
Peach Brown Betty

Prep time:10 min
Total time:20 min

Yield 4


4 fresh ripe peaches, quartered

2 tbsp Longo’s Country Churned Unsalted Butter, divided

1/4 cup Longo’s Maple Syrup, divided

4 slices (1/4-inch thick each) Longo’s Cinnamon Coffee Cake

1/4 cup Longo’s Walnut Halves and Pieces

1 tub (510mL) Longo's Curato Raspberry Gelato Sorbet


  • Cut 4 pieces of Longo’s Foil about 16 inches long and fold them in half. Divide peach quarters in the centre of each foil piece. Top each with 1/2 tbsp of the butter and 1 tbsp of the maple syrup. Pull over one side of the foil, folding the edges to seal. Fold the remaining edges to seal packet.
  • Cook on preheated grill over medium heat, lid closed, turning once, for about 8 minutesor until tender.
  • Open packet and top each with cake slice, roughly crumbled by hand, and walnuts. Serve with raspberry sorbet on top or on the side.

Nutritional Information

Per serving: 320 calories
  • Protein 2g
  • Fibre 2g
  • Fat 13g
  • Sugar 42g
  • Carbs 51g
  • Sodium 40mg